TCRC Summer Meeting
Posted by n0bak on: Tuesday 07 June @ 20:43:45  |
Join Us For Our TCRC Summer Meeting
Tuesday, June 14 at 7:30pm
Burnsville City Hall
100 Civic Center Pkwy, Burnsville, MN 55337
Basement meeting room
President’s Remarks
Field Day Plans and Sign-Up
Tech Talk
Posted by n0bak on: Wednesday 03 February @ 19:46:24  |
Please be aware that for some unknown reason, from time to time, the listing for our VE session on the ARRL web page disappears! We ALWAYS have a session on the second Wednesday of each month no matter if it is listed on the ARRL web page or not. In case of any doubt, please contact Jim Rice, NØOA, for up to date information via e-mail jrice@danpatch.org or call Jim at: 612-384-7709
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TCRC Annual Election Meeting
Posted by Calendar on: Wednesday 04 November @ 21:04:28  |
Join Us for Our TCRC Annual Election Meeting
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Lakeville Perkins
17387 Kenyon Ave
County Rd 5 and I-35
6:30 – 9:00 PM
Meeting 7:30 - 8:30
President’s Remarks
Repeater Update
Election of new officers for 2020
Drawings for Perkins Gift Cards
Directions: https://goo.gl/maps/kf5GsZteLgr
Posted by ke0na on: Sunday 30 March @ 00:21:17  |
9 AM to Noon
Location: Partners In Excellence Bldg
14301 Ewing Ave S, Burnsville Mn 55306
The TCRC and DRC are collaborating to host an Antenna Building Event
Featuring an opportunity to finish that antenna project lying around in your garage or basement.
Just bring all of the parts and whatever instructions that you have. Elmer's will be available to assist you with building and testing of your antenna. Tools and testing equipment will be provided. There is no cost for this activity. Keep in mind this is an indoor event.
Also featuring a quarter wave ground plane class taught by the DRC instructors. All parts provided. Cost is $10.00.
You must RSVP to tcrc147.21@gmail.com to attend this class.
ELMER'S, come join the fun and share your knowledge.
This event is intended to generate interest in amateur radio and to get us fired up for Field Day 2014. Participants of all ages and experience are welcome
Quarterly Membership Meeting Posted by ke0na on: Monday 24 February @ 13:19:06  |
n0bak writes"Join us for our Quarterly General Membership Meeting. It is our first general meeting at our new location and we will be discussing many new exciting club plans and activities for this year.
Food, snacks and beverages will be provided.
Day: Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Time: 7:30 - 9:30 PM
Partners in Excellence
14301 Ewing Avenue
Burnsville, MN 55306
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New 2 meter Repeater Installed Posted by w0kf on: Wednesday 02 October @ 11:33:07  |
ke0na writes"The old 2-Meter system (SVEN and OLE) were shut down on Saturday, September 28 and replaced with a commercial repeater
There are a few changes you will notice right away. There are no more voice ID's, no more time and temperature or "Top-of-the-Hour" announcements, or "special" modes (net, weather, hamfest, or other modes). The new repeater is a Yaesu VXR-9000 and only repeats. All ID's are CW (WØBU/R). Tweaks will be needed, but for now we anticipate a more reliable repeater. The need for a 100Hz CTCSS tone (PL for the Motorola fans) is still present. As of 11/16/13 configuration is as follows: - A 100 Hz CTCSS tone is both encoded and decoded
- The Time Out Timer (TOT) is 3 minutes
- The time out penalty is 21 seconds (amount of time repeater is non-responsive after TOT limit reached)
- Repeat Hold Time (tail) is 1.5 seconds (time from input carrier loss to repeater carrier down)
- The repeater output power (exciter for PA) is 25 watts, so output from PA is 80 watts
- The courtesy tone occurs at the end of the Repeat Hold Time
- The TOT is reset by repeater carrier down (not the courtesy tone)
- Squelch Hysteresis is 25
- The tone of the CWID is 400 hz
- CWID is now encoded with CTCSS tone (100 hz)
- CWID Modulation Delay is 1 second (To allow for CTCSS Decode on listener's radios)
- A 25 dB pre-amp has been added to the receiver with a 6 dB attenuator to protect the receiver front end
- A 70 Amp/Hr wet cell backup battery was added to the system - The repeater will automatically fail-over if AC power is lost
- A Breakout box was added to the 25 pin Aux connector
- Power for preamp is being supplied at the backup battery terminal.
Current issues being worked: - Noise during repeat and hang time
- Receive sensitivity
Please send comments and reports to Dave at ke0na@tcrc.org
NOTE: The Repeater Info and Status Links have been updated.
Click here to see a report on the status of ALL the repeaters"
TCRC Membership Meeting
Posted by w0kf on: Sunday 18 August @ 14:31:50  |
A quartly meeting of the membership of the TCRC will be held on August 27, at 7:30PM, right after a short net, in the basement meeting room of Burnsville City Hall. All members and anyone interested in amateur radio are encouraged to attend.
TCRC Club Picnic
Posted by w0kf on: Sunday 18 August @ 14:18:36  |
The third annual TCRC club picnic will be held on Saturday, September 7, 2013 at Casperson Park in Lakeville, Minnesota. Download a FLYER for all the details.
Technician Class Available
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 28 May @ 17:23:17  |
Starting June 7, 2013 there will be a class leading to the technician class amateur radio license. It will be held in the Haeg Conference Room at Bloomington Civic Plaza, 1800 Old Shakopee Road. The class consists of 6 sessions on June 7,8,14,15,28,29 and will cost $60. That includes class instruction, textbook, refreshments, and the examination fee.For further information or to register for the class click here
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The Summer 2014 Newsletter is here! Posted by w0kf on: Wednesday 28 May @ 15:58:55  |
ke0na writes"The Summer 2014 Newsletter is here! You can read or download it by clicking on this link: Summer Newsletter. "
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The Summer Edition of the Newsletter is Here !! Posted by w0kf on: Sunday 25 November @ 21:51:11  |
ke0na writes"The summer edition (2nd Quarter) of the Repeater Newsletter is here. To read or download, click on "TCRC Newsletters", click on the following link."
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TCRC Annual Membership Meeting Posted by w0kf on: Friday 16 November @ 21:28:08  |
ke0na writes"Put Tuesday, December 10, 2012 at 7:30 PM on your calendar! It is the TCRC annual membership meeting. It will be held at Burnsville City Hall in the big meeting room in the lower level.
The major item of busness will be election of officers for the 2014 year. There will also be a presentation of the "TCRC events of 2013 and a "show and tell" table with project demos."
Snacks and beverages will be provided and door prizes will be awarded. All members are encouraged to attend."
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Newsletter is Here
Posted by w0kf on: Thursday 15 March @ 15:10:01  |
The Spring copy of the TCRC newsletter is now available for download. Go to the main menu (left) and click on "TCRC Newsletters" (4th one up from the bottom). The most recent newsletter, V35_N1, is available for anyone to download.
Build a Ham Radio Antenna
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 27 September @ 18:37:45  |
Wanna build an antenna? It's FREE !! (Can't beat that with a stick) When? October 8, 9AM-12 Noon Where? Bloomington Civic Plaza, Logan and 98th street, Bloomington BYOP (Bring Your Own Parts) Contact: Sharron Morgan, ACØGH, 952-224-2040
Annual TCRC Membership Meeting
Posted by w0kf on: Wednesday 17 November @ 18:52:28  |
The annual TCRC membership meeting will occur in the basement meeting room of Burnsville City Hall at 7:30PM on Tuesday December 7, 2010 after a short net.
Elections for officers will be held. The Arnie Pung award winner for 2010 will also be selected.
Members must be in good standing (dues paid) in order to vote.
Dave Ventura, KEØNA, will give a short presentation and demonstration of WSPR.
Help Needed for Mpls Aquatennial
Posted by w0kf on: Friday 09 July @ 22:24:27  |
It's time for the Minneapolis Aquatennial! This city-wide event is celebrating its 70th year. Come join us for Minnesota's largest parade Wednesday evening, July 21st. Again this year we will be using amateur radio operators along the parade route for coordination.
When: Wednesday Evening July 21st (6:30 PM to 11:00 PM) We have a short meeting at 6:30 and get assignments, meet the parade marshalls, and generally hang out. Parade starts at 8:30 but there is a "K" race before at 7:30. You'll have time to grab something along the route to eat if you like.(Usually there are drinks and some food for the volunteers, especially around that 5:30 time.)
Where: We will meet at Dunwoody volunteer tent. (Dunwoody Blvd & Aldrich) Park behind Dunwoody off of Aldrich. You can enter and park at the north cul-de-sac from Aldrich. Dunwoody is on the west end of downtown Minneapolis by the I-394 and I-94 junction.
Due to the noise level we would recommend strongly you have speaker mikes, ear buds, or headsets. This year we will have lots of noise on the route as there are a large number of bands. The parade route goes from Dunwoody down Hennepin towards Washington and disperses at 4th by the light rail.
If you have a particular intersection area along the route you would like to cover please let me know and I will try and accomodate you.
I do need to know if I can have your help. Please leave me a message at 763-420-4951. RSVP is needed. There are special VIP incentives (Fireworks VIP area the 24th and a party for volunteers Jul 26th)
this year for us so I will have to coordinate names for the freebies and arrange for the T-shirts. (Size ?)
Also if you know a radio operator who might be interested in helping, please have them contact me.
Thanks, I'd appreciate your help and ...
Paul Tommerdahl, KB0TYS
Maple Grove, Minnesota USA
KB0TYS@thatec.com or paul@thatec.com
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State EC to meet with Hams
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 29 September @ 20:23:45  |
On Sat Oct 17 @ 3:30 PM Dan Anderson, the new State E C will meet with Hams in the ramsey Co Public Works Facility on Hwy 96 and Hamline Ave in Arden Hills.(just north of Roseville)
Attendees must park in the west lot.
Paul Oby
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Emergency Communications
Posted by w0kf on: Thursday 13 August @ 14:36:48  |
Attention all Hams involved in Emergency Communications, including the 100+ Hams serving the Twin Cities Marathon. The Association of Emergency Radio Organizations (AERO) is sponsoring two classes in Bloomington on Saturday, September 19. It's not often that an AERO class is available in the South Metro, so please take advantage of this opportunity.
AERO I (Basic) is from 9 am - 3 pm with one hour lunch break (on your own), followed by an on-air net.
Min requirement to register is FEMA IS100, which is an internet-based self study class.
We need to have a min of 24 students in order to offer this class.
AERO II (Net Control), a brand new class, is Noon - 3 pM, including an on-air net.
Min requirement to register is completion of AERO I.
Both classes are at the Bloomington Civic Center on Saturday, September 19.
Register with Dan N0PIY@arrl.net
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TCRC Quarterly Membership Meeting
Posted by w0kf on: Monday 20 July @ 15:15:19  |
On Tuesday, September 15,2009 in conference room E, in the basement of Burnsville City Hall, at 7:30 PM after a short net, the TCRC Quarterly Membership Meeting will occur. All TCRC members and anyone with an interest in amateur radio or in the TCRC are encouraged to attend.
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100th Anniversary of the First Wireless Rescue at Sea
Posted by w0kf on: Friday 23 January @ 16:29:15  |
CQD, Jack Binns and the FIRST WIRELESS RESCUE AT SEA in 1909
Special Event 100th Anniversary Jan 22-24, 2009
See this web page http://www.jackbinns.org/commemoration_news
The week-end of January 23rd 2009 and the summer of 2009 promise to be
filled with events commemorating the first large scale rescue in open sea
coordinated by wireless.
The Marconi Radio Club W1AA of Massachusetts USA will take part in the Jack Binns special event with two stations by representing SS Republic (Callsign MKC) as W1AA/MKC and SS Baltic (Call sign BC) as W1AA/BC. The two stations plan to be on the amateur bands on Jan 23 from 0001Z to 0400Z and on Jan 24th from 1200Z to 2000Z. . Both SSB and CW modes will be used. Watch the DX Summit
http://www.dxsummit.fi/DxSpots.aspx?count=50&range=2 for W1AA/MKC and W1AA/BC spots. Special one of a kind photo QSL cards have been created for each call for the event.
QSL card information for stateside is via W1AA on QRZ.COM with an S.A.S.E. Business sized envelope is OK for QSL cards. DX QSLs are via the W1 bureau.
A certificate is available. Mixed modes are OK. If stateside stations work both the W1AA/MKC and W1AA/BC stations and wish a certificate please send a large 8 1/2 x 11 inch envelope with $1.50 in stamps on the envelope for stateside return only. Certificates for DX stations via W1AA DIRECT via QRZ.COM address with a large envelope 8 1/2 x 11 inch envelope and sufficient USA postage for 2 oz of mail to return to their country.
This will be a great event.
Please take the time to tune the bands and work us.
Operators will be Henry K1WCC and Whitey K1VV.
Bob "Whitey" Doherty K1VV
Marconi Radio Club W1AA
Email: k1vv@comcast.net
Jamboree On The Air (JOTA)
Posted by w0kf on: Wednesday 17 September @ 17:20:17  |
Jamboree On The Air will occur for 48 hours starting at 00:00 October 18 and continue until 23:59 October 19. For more information and frequencies see the ARRL Web Page.
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TCRC Quarterly Membership Meeting
Posted by w0kf on: Saturday 16 August @ 13:31:37  |
The TCRC will hold a quarterly membership meeting at 7:30PM, right after a short net, in the basement community room at Burnsville City Hall on September 30, 2008. Everyone with an interest in amateur radio is invited to attend.
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TCRC Quarterly Membership Meeting
Posted by w0kf on: Friday 22 February @ 13:56:21  |
The TCRC will hold a quarterly membership meeting at 7:30PM, right after a short net, in the basement community room at Burnsville City Hall on March 11, 2008. Everyone with an interest in amateur radio is invited to attend.
New Tuesday Night Coffee Location
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 06 March @ 23:05:30  |
There is a new location for the Tuesday night coffee after the net. It will be at Caribou Coffee, Burnsville starting March 6, 2007. It is located behind Walgreen's on the corner of Cliff Road and Hwy 13 in Burnsville.
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Quarterly Membership Meeting
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 06 March @ 22:58:59  |
The quarterly membership meeting for the TCRC will occur in the basement meeting room at Burnsville City Hall, on March 27 at 7:30PM after a short net on 147.21. Come early for cookies and coffee.
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No Code Is Here!! (February, 23)
Posted by w0kf on: Wednesday 24 January @ 08:48:27  |
After literally years of diddling around the FCC has finally published the elimination of code for all classes of license effective February 23, 2007! See the Federal Register for details. Also consult the ARRL Web Page for more details regarding this order's effect on amateur radio operators.
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TCRC Newsletter in the Mail!
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 21 November @ 18:50:32  |
The TCRC Newsletter was mailed early on Tuesday, November 21, 2006. If you don't get yours soon, or if you just want to read it on line it is available on this web page now. Click on "TCRC Newsletters", third up from the bottom on the menu to your left, and then scroll down to the bottom of the page. The current newsletter is Vol 29, Number 3. It is available in two formats, Adobe Acrobat (pdf file) and MS Word (doc file).
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FCC Finally Acts
Posted by w0kf on: Saturday 18 November @ 23:10:54  |
The FCC published R&O 04-140 in the Federal Register on November 15. Thus, the R&O will take effect at 12:01AM EST, Friday December 15, 2006. See the ARRL web page for all the details.
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AERO Training Class
Posted by w0kf on: Friday 22 September @ 18:51:21  |
The next AERO class will be Sat Oct 14 in the Blaine City Hall 10801 Town Square Dr N E. The hours will be from 8 AM to 3PM.There is no cost for this class except for lunch on your own. Bring anyone you know who is a member of an emergency response organization such as Red Cross, Salvation Army, Catholic Charities, etc. This will give them a chance to see what Ham radio communications can do for their organization. You must pre-register with Dan Peitso, n0piy@arrl.net or 763-755-3262 by Oct 7.
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Quarterly Membership Meeting
Posted by w0kf on: Sunday 11 June @ 10:54:16  |
There will be a quarterly membership meeting Tuesday, June 13, 2006 at 7:30PM, in one of the basement rooms at Burnsville City Hall. Come early, 7:00 or so, for coffee and cookies. The meeting will follow a short net at about 7:30PM.
This is the last meeting prior to Field Day. Come find out about the TCRC Field Day activities and other good stuff.
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TCRC Newsletters now on line
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 13 September @ 23:01:05  |
Copies of The Repeater, the Newsletter of the TCRC, are now available on line courtesy of John, WØJT. To access the newsletter in either MS Word (*.doc) or PDF (*.pdf) format, just click on "TCRC Newsletters" at the bottom of the Main Menu located to your left.
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Craig Larsen, KCØDMF, New Treasurer
Posted by w0kf on: Wednesday 23 February @ 11:11:01  |
At the regular February meeting of the board of directors, the TCRC Board appointed Craig Larsen, KCØDMF to to the post of TCRC Treasurer. This was necessary because of the resignation of Pat Cain, KØPC, in January.
Newsletter Submission Deadline
Posted by Calendar on: Tuesday 24 August @ 00:27:14  |
Reminder: The deadline for submission of articles for the upcomming newsletter is September 7, 2004. Please submit all articles to John Toscano, WØJT, through his TCRC email alias.
Click here for more information
TCRC Board Names President
Posted by w0kf on: Monday 15 March @ 22:54:38  |
At the Board of Directors meeting, on March 15, 2004, the Board of Directors of the TCRC, in accordance with Article III, Section 3 of the Bylaws of The Twin Cities Repeater Club, selected Phil Lefever, KBØNES, to fill the vacant position of president. Steve Filek, NØOWL, was selected to fill the position of vice president vacated by Phil.Congratulations to our new President, Phil and to our new Vice President, Steve.
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TCRC Membership Meeting
Posted by Calendar on: Wednesday 03 March @ 15:55:36  |
The regular quarterly TCRC membership meeting will occur on March 23 at 7:30PM (right after the net). All members (current and prospective) are encouraged to attend. Come early (6:30) for coffee and cookies, meeting begins at 7:30.
Click here for more information
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ARRL Proposes License Restructure
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 20 January @ 14:18:22  |
The ARRL has announced a proprosed restructure of the ham bands and licensing requirements with a 3 class license scheme with no code requirement for the lower two classes, thus giving HF privileges without the need for a code test. The 5 wpm code requirement would be maintained for the extra license. Read the proposal on the ARRL webpage.
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Quarterly Membership Meeting
Posted by Calendar on: Monday 01 September @ 01:06:15  |
Show up early for refreshments.
Click here for more information
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