Minnesota Severe Weather Awareness Week is April 9 – 13, 2018
Posted by n0bak on: Wednesday 06 April @ 13:21:16  |
Statewide Tornado Drills are Thursday, April 12. The 147.210 repeater will be activated for Skywarn testing on Thursday 18:40 until 19:10. Here's the planned schedule.
13:30 – Warning for the St Paul side of the cities.
18:00 – Begin scenario for Minneapolis
By 18:45 – Informal net up and running
~ 18:50 – Issue warning
~ 18:55 – Sirens
~ 19:05 – Wrap-up
More information at: https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/hsem/weather-awareness-preparedness/Pages/default.aspx
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TCRC Sponsoring Skywarn Class
Posted by n0bak on: Thursday 10 March @ 18:51:54  |
Attend a Skywarn class sponsored by TCRC
Saturday April 2, 2016 9 AM -1 PM
Open Circle Church
2400 Highland Dr, Burnsville, MN
Walk ins welcome.
Class Schedule http://metroskywarn.org/schedule
Last Skywarn Training Class
Posted by w0kf on: Sunday 26 June @ 23:23:16  |
Due to the recent weather events in the Twin Cities, there has been a great interest in Skywarn training. Therefore, Metro Skywarn will have a last Skywarn class of the year on:
July 23 12-4pm
Blaine City Hall
10801 Town Square Drive NE
Please sign up for this class by contacting Dave Runkle, kc0kep@arrl.net or at 763-784-4384.
Please note, this is a one time only class.
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Practice Skywarn Net
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 12 April @ 22:19:13  |
On Thursday, April 14, at 1:45PM and again at 6:55PM there will be a practice activation of the Skywarn net. All skywarn spotters are invited to participate.
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Skywarn Class Upcomming
Posted by w0kf on: Friday 29 January @ 23:26:38  |
Remember you must retrain every other year to maintain your Skywarn certification. Again this year the TCRC will sponsor two Skywarn training classes. One will be March 3, 2012 and the other May 19, 2012. Both classes are free and open to all. They will run from 9AM until 1PM. Bring a pencil.Classes are held at the Open Circle Church, 2400 Highland Drive, Burnsville. Look on the calendar for links to directions. If these classes won't work for you, the complete list of MetroSkywarn spotter training classes for 2012 is located on the Metroskywarn web page. Questions? Call Jeff, WØKF, 952-927-0201.
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Skywarn Practice Net
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 08 April @ 09:58:22  |
In conjunction with severe weather awareness week, there will be two Skywarn practice nets on April 24, 2008. Sirens will sound at 1:45PM and again at 6:55PM. The practice nets will begin a few minutes prior to these times.
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First Skywarn Class of 2008
Posted by w0kf on: Sunday 17 February @ 11:25:41  |
Note location change. Spotters must re-train every two years in order to maintain your Skywarn certification. The TCRC will again sponsor two classes to accomplish this goal. The first class is the first Saturday in March and the last class is the second Saturday in June.We have a new location this year which is the Open Circle Church, 2400 Highland Drive, Burnsville, Minnesota. For detailed directions, click on location below. The class is free, anyone can attend, questions? Call Jeff, WØKF, 952-927-0201. location.
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Last Skywarn Class
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 08 May @ 11:43:00  |
Due to a number of room scheduling problems the last Skywarn Class of the season will be given at Burnsville City Hall, in the Council Chambers, from 9AM to 1PM on June 30, 2007. This class replaces the one previously scheduled for June 9, 2007. Thank you for your understanding.Remember: You must take a Skywarn class every two years to keep your Skywarn certification current. The TCRC will offer the last Skywarn class of the season on Saturday June 30, 2007, 9AM to 1PM, at Burnsville City Hall. The class is 4 hours long (yes there are breaks) and concludes with a simple written test. No, you need not be a TCRC member to take the class. Yes it is FREE. The complete Metro Skywarn training schedule for 2007 is available on the Skywarn web page. For further information contact Jeff, WØKF at: 952-927-0201.
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Skywarn Practice Net
Posted by w0kf on: Monday 02 April @ 23:03:04  |
In conjunction with Tornado Awareness Day, there will be a practice Skywarn Net on Thursday April 12, 2007. The net will begin at about 6:30PM and continue until about 7:15PM. Sirens will sound at 6:55PM.
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Thunderstorm Season Approaches!
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 06 February @ 14:24:40  |
As the Spring thunderstorm season approaches it is time to review your Metro Skywarn Certification status. Remember you need to take a class every two years. The TCRC will again offer two classes, on March 3, 2007 and on June 9, 2007. Details about those classes may be found under the respective dates on the Calendar.The Metro Skywarn Newsletter is in the mail and should be arriving in your mailbox this week. If you do not get one it may be downloaded at the new MetroSkywarn web page. Noteworthy links: New Metro Skywarn web page: www.metroskywarn.org Metroskywarn class schedule for 2007 www.metroskywarn.org/sked.html Metroskywarn Spring 2007 Newsletter www.metroskywarn.org/newsletters/sp_2007.pdf
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NWS Open House
Posted by w0kf on: Monday 11 September @ 16:17:18  |
The National Weather Service, Chanhassen, is holding an open house for the public from 10AM - 2PM on September 16, 2006. More information, including excellent maps, may be found at the NWS web page.We are expecting 1000+ people to show up at our office for our open house between 10AM and 2 PM, and will have the following exhibits/attractions:- Hourly Upper Air Balloon Launches (kids will be launching their own party-size balloons while we launch our balloon, (similar to what was done at the family open house)
- Exhibit Tent (helping to program weather radios, helping people use our website on computers; staffing exhibits on upper air, WSR-88D, Tornado Simulator, weather measuring equipment)
- 20 minute presentations in an outside tent (possible presentations: scout weather badge requirements, kids weather jeopardy, how to read a weather map, etc.)
- "tour stops" in our operations area (5 minute talk to passing tour groups about one of the following 3 topics: severe weather operations, forecast operations, data collection/hydro)
- welcome tent
- a Co-op award ceremony in the presentation tent outside.
- We will also have exhibits on-site from some of our partners including the Red Cross, MN - DNR Waters, HAM Radio(TCRC)/Skywarn, and the AMS
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Ham license in a weekend!
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 27 December @ 16:35:50  |
If you are not an Amateur Radio Operator (Ham) and are interested in Skywarn operation, this is the opportunity to get your ham license to fully participate in reporting severe weather conditions. You can become an Amateur Radio operator--no matter what age, gender or physical ability.The Amateur Radio Association of Bloomington and The Bloomington Communications Group are sponsoring a weekend technician class on February 17 - 19, 2006. This will be a Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday class. Volunteer Examiners will hold a Federal Communications Commission license exam immediately following the class Sunday afternoon. Now You're Talking will be the course book and can be purchased through the ARRL or Radio City (in Mounds View). The class will be at the Bloomington Civic Plaza, located just west of I-35W on 98th St. The charge for the class will be $40, which includes the VE exam fee and a one-year membership in the Amateur Radio Association of Bloomington. Tentative schedule: Friday February 17 5:00 - 6:30 pm - Overview and Introduction 6:30 - 7:30 pm - Chapter 1, Federal Communications Commission Rules 7:30 - 8:00 pm - Chapter 2, Methods of Communication 8:00 - 9:00 pm - Chapter 3, Radio Phenomena Saturday February 18: Coffee & Donuts 8:00 - 8:30 am - Chapter 4, Station Licensee Duties 8:30 - 9:00 am - Chapter 5, Control Operator Duties 9:00 - 10:30 am - Chapter 6, Good Operating Practices 10:30 - 10:40 am - Break 10:40 - 12:30 pm - Chapter 7, Basic Communications Electronics 12:30 - 1:00 pm - Lunch catered in 1:00 - 5 pm - Chapter 8 , Good Engineering Practices Sunday February 19: 8:30 - 10:30 am - Chapter 9, Special Operations 10:30 - 10:40 am - Break 10:40 - 11:30 am - Chapter 10, Electrical, Antenna Structure and RF Safety Practices 11:30 - 12:30 pm - Review 12:30 - 1:00 pm - Lunch catered in 1:00 - 2:00 pm - Review 2:00 - 4:00 pm - FCC License Examination. NOTE: You must bring a photo ID (driver's license or legal alternative) for the examination. If you plan to attend the course, please notify us soon to reserve your seat. To register, please contact Bob Schwartz (KTØT) by February 8th at 952-944-5731 or via e-mail at KTØT@arrl.net.
Last Skywarn Class of 2005
Posted by w0kf on: Monday 30 May @ 23:58:06  |
The last Skywarn Class of 2005 will occur at Burnsville City Hall on Saturday June 4, 2005.Remember: You must retrain every two years to keep your Skywarn certification current. The four hour class consists of a review of reportable weather conditions, reporting procedures, safety concerns and other Skywarn items. Class starts promptly at 9:00AM and will be finished by 1:00PM (yes there are several breaks!) The class is FREE and you need not be a member of the TCRC to attend. For more information contact Jeff, WØKF Phone: 952-927-0201 email: w0kf@tcrc.org
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Weatherservice Skywarn Upgrade
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 10 August @ 13:57:16  |
On Saturday, August 28, 2004 a work party is scheduled to help in installing new antennas, feedline, computers, and radios at the NWS in Chanassen. Lots of help will be needed. If you can help all or part of the day, contact Don Burgess, KCØQNA. Home phone: 952-467-3094, Office phone: 952-841-5740 x 379386. Don can usually be found on the 147.000 or the 147.165 repeaters. Don's email is: thelostiowan@earthlink.com
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Skywarn Pratice Net
Posted by Calendar on: Thursday 22 April @ 00:14:42  |
In conjunction with Tornado Awareness Day, there will be a Skywarn pratice net today. Most likely it will be between 6:30PM and 7:00PM. Watch for the new announcement on tcrc.org when the net is active (also on skywarn.ampr.net).
Click here for more information
Skywarn Class - 2004
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 24 February @ 12:23:00  |
The TCRC sponsors a yearly Skywarn class for hams who want to become spotters or for those who need to renew spotter certification. Remember, you need to be recertified every two years.It's FREE!!! No, you don't need to be a TCRC member to come to this class. For questions call Jeff, WØKF, at 952-927-0201. email: WØKF@TCRC.org If this class won't work out for you, the complete Skywarn Class Schedule is on the Skywarn Web page. Saturday, March 6, 2004, 9AM-1PM, Burnsville City Hall. MAP
Trial Skywarn Net
Posted by Calendar on: Tuesday 01 April @ 00:39:45  |
Today (April 10, 2003) is tornado awareness day. In conjunction with the National Weather Service there will be a pratice Skywarn net today at 6:45PM.
Click here for more information
March 15, 2003 Skywarn Class
Posted by w0kf on: Friday 07 February @ 15:17:12  |
It is official! The TCRC sponsored Skywarn training class is set for the Burnsville City Hall Council Chambers, at 9AM on Saturday March 15,2003. The Skywarn Page is now correct, as is the TCRC Calendar .
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Skywarn Class Schedule Changed
Posted by Anonymous on: Tuesday 28 January @ 18:47:32  |
Our normal Skywarn training date is not available. We were unable to reserve the room at the Burnsville City Hall on or normal "First Skywarn Class" Saturday. We might have it on the 15th of March. Check back here, or on the Calendar for more info, as we will post info as soon as we know for sure. Also, be sure to listen to the TCRC Information Exchange for up to date info on the Skywarn Traning Session.
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