Field Day Planning Meeting June 11
Posted by n0bak on: Thursday 06 June @ 14:13:04  |
Please join the Field Day Committee for a planning meeting Tuesday, June 11, 6:00 pm (rain or shine) at Neill Park.
5:30 pm (optional) Meet at KFC for dinner, 14150 Co Rd 5, Burnsville, MN
6:00 pm Field Day Site, Neill Park 13501 Upton Ave, Burnsville, MN 55337 Google Map https://tinyurl.com/y4pzvlmg
7:00 pm Caribou Coffee
If you can't make the meeting on Tuesday, please volunteer for one of the many openings.
"Special Points" Coordinator
Station Manager for SSB
Station Operator (Voice and CW)
Get on the air station operator
Information table with ham radio equipment display, science project
Cooks for picnic
Plus much more opportunities to help!
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TCRC Field Day 2018
Posted by n0bak on: Monday 11 June @ 17:57:48  |
2019 TCRC Field Day Planning is underway. We have created a google group for you to volunteer to help. https://tinyurl.com/y49ox5yu
Please join the group to follow the planning. As you may have heard, the Twin Cities Repeater Club will be doing Field Day again this year! TCRC hereby extend an invitation to you to come to join us this year for Field Day! This is a family-friendly event. Invite your family and friends to see amateur radio in action!
*** WHEN ***
June 22nd 1 pm to June 23rd 1 pm
Neill Park in Burnsville, MN
13501 Upton Ave, Burnsville, MN 55337
Google Map https://goo.gl/maps/S1zopdAeJRsjkgyj7
Set up time: June 22nd 9 am (roughly)
Tear down time: June 23rd 1 pm
TCRC exchange: W0BU 2A MN
Talk-in: 147.210 MHz 100Hz tone
Contact: tcrc14721@gmail.com
Schedule of Events
6/22 0900 Setup antennas and stations
6/22 1300 On the air. Field Day kicks off
6/22 1700 Picnic (Details to be sent out soon!)
6/23 0730 Breakfast for those operating overnight
6/23 1200 Tear down, Crew Lunch
6/23 1300 Field Day Ends
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