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147.210 is the primary
repeater for South Metro


Topics > Repeater Operation
Operation, status and events related to the repeaters

Posted by n0bak on: Wednesday 10 April @ 15:07:30
Repeater Operation The A 1.25-meter repeater operating on 224.54 megahertz has been experiencing intermit outages. The TCRC Tech team has taken it out of service to send to Bridgecom for repairs. You can expect the repeater to be back in service by Friday, April 19, 2019. If questions, email us at

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Posted by n0bak on: Tuesday 01 January @ 10:05:26
Repeater Operation Please join us every Tuesday at 7pm for the Twin Cities Repeater Club net on 147.210.

Join to hear latest club announcements. Check in with net control and provide an update or sell ham gear.

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1.25M and 6M Repeaters are back in operation!
Posted by n0bak on: Tuesday 25 April @ 10:10:59
Repeater Operation They're back! 224.54/222.94 and 53.37/52.37. Both use CTCSS 100Hz. Thanks to our tech team lead Walt Richie, KD0XT, for giving these systems extra attention and returning them to the air. We can truly say we have 4 repeaters on 4 bands again!!

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444.30 Update - Yaesu System Fusion FM/C4FM DR-1 back in service!!
Posted by n0bak on: Saturday 13 December @ 15:46:00
Repeater Operation Yaesu System Fusion FM/C4FM DR-1 machine is back on the air. During the repair, the old ICOM 440 repeater was pressed back into service.

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Two Meter Repeater is on a New External Controller!
Posted by ke0na on: Thursday 01 May @ 21:09:57
Repeater Operation It's official, the recently upgraded 2 Meter repeater (Vertex VXR-9000 - installed last September) has been interfaced to an external Arcom RC210 three port deluxe controller. The Tech Team spent some long hours working out most of the kinks this past Tuesday evening resulting in a new sound and a large feature set that will be available to club members.

We still have a few flaws that need to be ironed out like CTCSS (PL tone) encode for full TSQ and the squelch burst at the end of each transmission. These issues should be resolve this coming Saturday.

But gone is the overly loud CW ID and Courtesy Tone - what we have now is a "smart" repeater that will tell you the time, ID in voice (do those voice ID's sound familiar?) allow for custom courtesy tones, give special announcements (Tail Messages) and allow Weather and Info Net modes. These and other new features will be explained in an upcoming club newsletter. And all members will get a new Visor Card with DTMF codes and instruction on how to access the features.

Our thanks go out to those who made this all possible. Many hours of hard work have been put in and will continue to be put in as more Tech Team projects are implemented.

Let us know what you think. Send your comments to Dave - KE0NA at ARRL dot net.

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147.21 Repeater Controller - The cat is out of the bag!
Posted by ke0na on: Sunday 27 April @ 16:45:41
Repeater Operation Well for those who were listening to the 147.210 repeater yesterday you may have heard some familiar sounds.

The TCRC Tech Team was testing a new external controller (Arcom RC210) and had it programmed with as many of the features from the retired OLE and SWEN repeater system as possible, including some of those (in)famous voice IDs.

There is limited memory available for the voice tracks, so maybe we will have a poll of the membership to vote for your favorite.

We need to make just a few more tweaks and it will be on the air permanently, maybe as soon as Tuesday (just in time for the Info-Net).

It will be great to have the control operator functions, Weather Net and Info Net modes available again.

We will keep you posted...

The TCRC - Tech Team

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TCRC Information Exchange
Posted by n0bak on: Thursday 23 January @ 21:53:19
Repeater Operation The TCRC Information Exchange is a net that meets every Tuesday at 7:00PM on the 147.210 repeater. The purpose of the net is to exchange information that is of interest to the ham radio community. All licensed hams are invited to check in during the general check-in part of the net.

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WØBU callsign granted
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 31 March @ 10:32:51
Repeater Operation As of 3/31/09 the Twin Cities Repeater Club callsign is WØBU. Chris Buck, WØHO, will continue as the club trustee. The IDs on all the repeaters will be changed back to WØBU as soon as possible. This action is according to the wishes of Ivan Frantz (SK), formerly WØBU.

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Jamboree On The Air (JOTA)
Posted by w0kf on: Friday 12 October @ 21:22:32
Repeater Operation JOTA is all day Saturday and Sunday, October 20 & 21, 2007. Look at the arrl JOTA page for more information.

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Four Repeaters on Four Bands!
Posted by w0kf on: Thursday 23 January @ 19:37:33
Repeater Operationke0na writes"Which organization is the only one to have FOUR REPEATERS ON FOUR BANDS? The Twin Cities Repeater Club, of course!!

We have repeaters on 6 meters (53.37MHz, 100Hz tone), 2 meters (147.21MHz, 100Hz tone), 1.25cm (224.54MHz, 100Hz tone), and 70cm (444.3MHz, 114.8Hz tone). Give them all a try.

No, you don't have to be a member of the TCRC to use our machines. However, at $25.00 per year why not join us???"

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Foxhunting & Direction Finding Group Formed
Posted by w0kf on: Friday 13 February @ 22:44:18
Repeater OperationKBØDCO writes"A new Yahoo Group, Minnesota Hidden Transmitter Finders(MHTF), has been formed to further the art and science of radio direction finding(RDF), foxhunting, and surreptitious transmission location.

Everyone is welcome. Find the link under "Web Links" (general)."

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Posted by w0kf on: Sunday 12 October @ 22:53:58
Repeater Operation Jamboree On The Air starts at midnight Friday, October 17, 2003 and continues through until midnight Sunday October 19, 2003. Thousands of Scouts all over the country making contacts on the ham bands.

See "JOTA" on the calendar for frequencies and further details.

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TOM, KBØDCO, elected User Liaison Member of MRC
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 22 April @ 18:47:26
Repeater Operation TCRC member, Tom, KBØDCO, was elected to be the User Liaison Member of the Minnesota Repeater Council(MRC) on April 19 at the Spring meeting of the MRC in Litchfield, MN. As such Tom will represent all repeater users in the state of Minnesota (not just tcrc users) at the MRC and has a full vote on all matters that come before the council.

If you have any concerns, suggestions, comments, or other questions regarding repeater operation in Minnesota email Thomas.

More details about the MRC may be found at the MRC webpage.

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