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Topics > TCRC Election
TCRC Election Information

TCRC Elections
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 24 November @ 17:31:54
TCRC Election The annual meeting of the TCRC will take place on Tuesday December 1, 2009 at 7:30PM, right after a short net, in the basement meeting room at Burnsville City Hall. All TCRC members are encouraged to attend.

We will be electing officers for 2010 (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer). We will also elect the Arnie Pung award winner.

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Election Rusults
Posted by w0kf on: Wednesday 28 November @ 14:38:22
TCRC Election The TCRC held it's annual membership meeting on November 27, 2007 in the basement of Burnsville City Hall.

Congratulations to the 2008 TCRC officers whose names appear below. They will take office on January 1, 2008.

  • President: Artie Johnson, WBØJMG
  • Vice-President: Phil Lefever, KBØNES
  • Secretary: Tanna Morse: KCØURO
  • Treasurer: Craig Larsen, KCØDMF

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Annual Membership Meeting
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 13 November @ 19:05:32
TCRC Election The TCRC Annual Membership Meeting will be held in the basement of Burnsville City Hall, on Tuesday, November 27, 2007. It will occur after a short net which will start at 7:00PM. Come early for cookies and coffee.

This meeting is the most important of the year as we will hold elections for officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer) for 2008 and also will elect the 2007 Arne Pung Award winner.

Your dues must be current in order for you to vote, so come early and give Craig your $25 annual dues if you aren't up to date.

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TCRC Holds Elections
Posted by w0kf on: Wednesday 29 November @ 15:28:50
TCRC Election The TCRC held its annual meeting of the membership on Tuesday November 28, 2006. A new slate of officers was elected and the Arnie Pung Award winner for 2006 was announced.

All present officers were re-elected by acclimation. Craig, KCØDMF was named the new Arnie Pung award winner.

Congratulations to the winners!

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TCRC Elections for 2007
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 14 November @ 22:13:15
TCRC Election The TCRC will hold its annual membership meeting after a short net, on Tuesday November 28, 2006 at 7:00PM in the basement meeting room of Burnsville City Hall.

Come early for cookies and coffee. The major activity will be club elections for 2007.

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TCRC Annual Membership Meeting
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 29 November @ 21:41:18
TCRC Election On Tuesday, November 29, 2005, President Phil Lefever, KBØNES, called the TCRC annual membership meeting to order. The meeting was held at 7:30PM at the Galaxie Branch of the Dakota County Library. Elections were held for club officers and for the Arnie Pung Award for 2006. The results were:

President: Phil Lefever, KBØNES
Vice President: Mark Neuman, KCØITP
Secretary: Tanna Morse, KCØURO
Treasurer: Craig Larsen, KCØDMF

Pat Cain, KØPC, was unanimously awarded the Arnie Pung award for outstanding contributions to the TCRC.

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2004 Election Results
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 09 December @ 22:53:17
TCRC Election In spite of the weather a quarum presented itself and the TCRC elections were held on December 9, 2004 as scheduled. The results are:

President: Shanon Haralson, KCØEIG
VicePresident: Phil Lefever, KBØNES
Secretary: Jim Rice, NØOA
Treasurer: Pat Cain, KØPC

Congratulations to our office holders for 2004.

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TCRC Elections
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 28 October @ 20:15:29
TCRC Election There will be a general membership meeting on December 9, 2003, at 7:00PM, in the lower lever of Burnsville City Hall. The main business at the meeting will be the election of officers for the 2004 year. All members are strongly encouraged to attend.

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Shanon Haralson on the TCRC 2003 Elections
Posted by Anonymous on: Monday 30 December @ 15:57:27
TCRC Election I want to thank all the TCRC Club members who were able to attend the Annual Membership meeting earlier this month.  I enjoyed seeing all of you and want to thank you for re-electing me TCRC club president for 2003.  I look forward to working with everyone in the club in the next year.

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