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Topics > Ana_flag

General Class
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 22 May @ 16:27:54
Ana_flag After you complete the above class you may upgrade to General by taking the following: On July 12-15 at the Minneapolis VA Hospital there will be a class leading to the General amateur radio license. The Technician license is a prerequsite.

The class will be held Thursday & Friday July 12 & 13 from 6PM to 10PM and again on Saturday & Sunday July 14 & 15 from 8AM to 5PM. You may use either the ARRL or the Gordon West book on the General license.

Contact Tim Arimond, NØBYH, at 952-593-9641 for more details.

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Technician Class
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 22 May @ 16:30:11
Ana_flag There will be a class leading to the Technician level Amateur Radio License given the last three weekends in June. Friday June 15, 22, 29 from 6:30PM-9:30PM and Saturday June 16 and 23 from 9:00AM-6:00PM. There will be a review session at 9:00AM on Saturday, June 30 with the FCC examination following at 10:00AM.

Classes will be held in the Haeg conference room, second floor of Bloomington Civic Plaza.

The fee which covers all instruction, text, and FCC exam fee is $60. For more information contact Sharon Morgan, ACØGH, at 952-224-2045.

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Spring Newsletter Is Here!!
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 22 March @ 22:46:20
Ana_flag The Spring 2011 newsletter(V34_N1) is now available for viewing and/or download. It is available in MSWord format (V34_N1.doc) and as an Adobe pdf document (V34_N1.pdf).

All TCRC newsletters may be located by clicking on the "TCRC Newsletters" line (4th up from bottom) in the Main Menu on the left. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the latest issue.

Please note this newsletter will not be mailed out. It is only available on line.

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