TCRC Field Day is this weekend!
Posted by ke0na on: Tuesday 17 June @ 17:38:54  |
TCRC Field Day is here!
Join us for breakfast at Perkins in Lakeville, then help setup at 9:00 AM at Neill Park. Start time of the activities officially begins at 1:00 PM.
BBQ/Pot Luck Saturday at 5:00 PM
Tear Down Sunday at 1:00 PM
We will be operating the full 24 hours, so stop by any time.
Use the ARRL Field day locator to find our operating location:
Come and join us!
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Field Day Planning Meeting
Posted by Calendar on: Monday 12 May @ 13:32:40  |
There will be a short planning meeting for the TCRC Field Day Activities at Caribou coffee Tuesday night on May 20th, 2014 at 7:30PM.
Everyone interested in Field Day should plan to attend.
Click here for more information
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 21 May @ 15:56:24  |
The Field Day Palnning Meeting scheduled for coffee tonight (May 21)has been postponed until May 28. Thank you.
Last Field Day Planning Meeting
Posted by w0kf on: Thursday 14 June @ 08:46:02  |
The final pre field day planning meeting will occur at coffee (Caribou, 147th and Cedar) at 7:30PM on Tuesday June 19. Everyone interested in field day is invited to attend.
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Field Day Planning Meeting
Posted by w0kf on: Saturday 09 June @ 12:51:37  |
The second Field Day planning meeting will be held at the Caribou Coffee at 14638 Cedar in Apple Valley at 7:30PM on Tuesday, June 12. Everyone is welcome to attend.
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Field Day 2012
Posted by w0kf on: Thursday 24 May @ 22:46:31  |
The TCRC will hold Field Day at Neill Park in Burnsville on Saturday June 23 and Sunday June 24 this year. This location has a sturdy building that will provide shelter in the event of severe weather, lavatory facilities, picnic tables and a large charcoal grill.Field Day begins at 1:00PM on Saturday June 23 and ends at 1:00PM on Sunday June 24. Setup begins at 8:00AM on Saturday June 23. The TCRC Facebook field day listing can be viewed at www.facebook.com/events/365210836862025. Location: 44°45'29.7" N and 93°18'43.4" W Exit I35 at Burnsville Parkway (Exit 2) and travel 1.6 miles West to Upton Avenue. Travel North on Upton Avenue about 0.3 miles and enter the parking lot (just North of the tennis courts) on the East side of Upton. The ARRL has a Field Day Locator at http://www.arrl.org/field-day-locator. Enter w0bu in the location/callsign box at the top left side and hit enter. Our site is indicated with a green indicator. Zoom in as you require. Dave, KEØNA, took a bunch of photos the evening of June 12 when the Field Day Committee went over to the site to see it. You may view the pictures by clicking on Facebook Field Day Site Photos.
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Field Day Slide Show
Posted by w0kf on: Monday 28 June @ 22:41:23  |
Dave, KEØNA, was kind enough to put together a slide show from the photos he took during Field Day 2010. To view the show click here.
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Field Day Organization Meeting
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 11 May @ 16:16:04  |
There will be an organization meeting for TCRC Field Day at 7:30PM on May 11, 2010 at the Caribou in Burnsville. Anyone interested in Field Day or just wants to find out about it is welcome to attend.
Come Out To Field Day
Posted by w0kf on: Wednesday 24 June @ 22:53:39  |
Here is a reminder that this upcoming weekend, June 27th & 28th is the ARRL
Field Day weekend. And the Twin Cities Repeater Club is going to be active
once again this year from the Murphy-Hanrehan park in Savage, MN.
The actual event runs from 1PM Saturday the 27th to 1PM Sunday the 28th. We
will be operating throughout the night for the full 24 hour period. Our
effort will comprise two full time HF stations one primarily voice and one
full time CW. We will also have a Get On The Air (GOTA) station for those
newly licensed operators and those returning to ham radio activity. Even if
you don't have license privileges for HF you can operate under our club
call, W0BU, and get a taste of HF operating with the guidance of one of our
control operators. We will also have a full time VHF/UHF station operating
voice and CW on the bands above 30Mhz and possibly even a satellite as
well. Field Day is a great opportunity to experience some of the bands and
modes you have always wanted to check out!
We will be needing help for setup starting sometime after 1PM Friday the
26th. At around 5PM on Friday we will be erecting several antennas and
towers and we can use all the help we can get. Also after 1PM on Sunday we
will again need help with tear down and dismantling all the stations also.
As for the social aspects of Field Day we will be having a pot luck dinner
at 6PM on Saturday evening. You are encouraged to bring a dish to share and
by all means bring along the family!
Finally we will hold a brief TCRC Membership meeting at 7:00PM on Saturday
to keep everyone up to speed with what is going on with the club.
If you need help locating our site you can go to
http://www.arrl.org/contests/announcements/fd/locator.php Type in the call
W0BU and you will find a Google map of our location. Talk in can be found
on the 147.21 repeater.
Finally if you have any other questions or comments I will welcome them at kb0nes@tcrc.org
73 & Enjoy Field Day!
Phil, KB0NES
TCRC Vice-president
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Field Day Planning Meeting
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 28 April @ 22:28:48  |
Ever been to Field Day? Why not? If you have any interest at all please come to the Field Day planning meeting on May 20, 7:00PM at the Perkins at I494 and France Avenue (it's located on the West side of France just North of I494)
If you haven't already, be sure to sign up for the Field Day list (6th one up from the bottom on the main menu at the left).
Field Day 2009
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 31 March @ 10:40:43  |
We are making a special effort to get as many field day participants as possible for the 2009 field day. In that regard there will be a organizational meeting for field day 2009 on Wednesday, April 8 at 7:00 p.m. at Caribou Coffee in Burnsville.
Everyone is invited to attend.
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Posted by w0kf on: Saturday 07 June @ 19:08:28  |
There will be a Field Day meeting on Tuesday June 10, at 7:30 (right after the net) at Caribou on the corner of Hwy 13 and Cliff Road in Burnsville. Everyone with an interest in Field Day is encouraged to attend.
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ARRL Field Day
Posted by w0kf on: Wednesday 14 June @ 17:24:44  |
ARRL Field Day, June 23,24,25, 2006. Same location as last year! Setup after 5:00PM Friday(6/23). Field Day begins at 1:00PM Saturday and tear down starts at 1:00PM Sunday. Come out and join us for the best Field Day ever!!The site is 3 miles South of the intersection of Co Rd 42 and Hwy 3 along the west side of Hwy 3. We are located on the left at the top of the hill about 1 mile South of the wayside rest. Look for the TCRC signs along the road.
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