Burnsville Casualty Exercise
Posted by w0kf on: Wednesday 17 September @ 16:38:08  |
The City of Burnsville has requested the TCRC to provide at least 6 hams for communications support on Saturday, September 27, 2003 for the Burnsville Casualty Exercise. We (the TCRC) have a very good relationship with the city of Burnsville and they very rarely ask us for help (Fire Muster being the only other exception). In this case they have specifically asked the TCRC for communications help on September 27. Details are still sketchy at this time, however apparently the Hams will shadow city officials to provide ancillary communications during the exercise. It will be of great benifit to the TCRC and our relationship with the city if we can help them out with this event. If you can help on Saturday September 27 please email Janet, KBØZFB, for more details. Thanks you in advance for your help.
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