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3900 Club Hits:3710
Description:The 3900 club, named after the Sunday morning trading net on 3900KHz, sponsors the two day Hamboree in Souix City, Iowa each June. Dues are $2.00 (one time for life!). There are about 1200 members in 31 states.
Submitted On:2003-12-25

Arrowhead Radio Amateur Club (ARAC) Hits:2642
Description:This is the Duluth club that sponsors the Duluth Hamfest each spring (ususally the first weekend in May).
Submitted On:2004-04-03

Beargrease Amateur Radio Club(BARC) Hits:2804
Description:This club exists to serve the communications needs for the annual running of the "John Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon". The marathon starts in Duluth MN and generally follows the North Shore Snowmobile trail all the way up to the Gunflint Trail near Grand Marais and then back. The Mid-Distance race starts in Duluth and ends at Tofte MN. Many hams from MN and WI volunteer for active duty during the 4-5 day race.
Submitted On:2004-04-05

Black Hills Amateur Radio Club Hits:3880
Description:The Black Hills Amateur Radio Club, Rapid City, South Dakota, operates the 146.94 (local Rapid City), 146.76 (Terry Peak, wide area coverage, and 146.85 (Bear Mountian, Southern Hills, wide area coverage). They also operate 444.825 (pl 146.2) which covers the Rapid City local area.

Each February the club holds it's annual fund raising ham auction and holiday dinner.
Submitted On:2003-12-25

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club Hits:4294
Description:Sponsors of the Brainerd Hamfest each summer(see calendar).
Submitted On:2004-02-12

Central States VHF Society Hits:3779
Description:The Central States VHF Society (CSVHFS) is a not-for-profit organization chartered in the state of Missouri. It was begun in the mid-1960s to foster amateur radio operation on the bands above 50 MHz. Membership currently numbers about 300, principally in the Midwest states. However, it has members in states from the Atlantic Coast to the West Coast as well as Canada and several foreign countries. The CSVHFS holds a Technical Conference once a year. The goal of the conference is to raise the technical level of amateurs by providing a forum for presenting technical papers relating to VHF, UHF, and Microwave, to provide a focal point for the discussio on operating practices and proceedures, on exploration of modes such as EME, MS, FAI, E-skip, etc. and other topics that promote operation on Amateur bands above 50MHz. Proceedings from these conferences are published by the ARRL and can be purchased from the League.
Submitted On:2005-11-20

Chippewa Valley ARC Hits:2479
Description:The Chippewa Valley Amateur Radio Club, 18310 79th Ave, Chippewa Falls, WI 54729. Repeater: 147.375/444.350, Tone 110.9Hz.
Submitted On:2006-03-19

Eau Claire Amateur Radio Club Hits:4788
Description:Formerly sponsors of the Eau Claire Hamfest which is now defunct. New sponsors of the Eau Claire Auction.
Submitted On:2003-12-23

Forx Amateur Radio Club Hits:2906
Description:The Forx ARC is a general purpose radio club located in the Grand Forks, ND/East Grand Forks, MN area. They sponsor the Forx Hamfest in Feburary each year.
Submitted On:2005-12-12

Madison Area Repeater Association Hits:3468
Description:The Madison Area Repeater Association (MARA) operates the 147.150 and 146.760 repeaters in the Madison, Wisconsin area under the call W9HSY. They also sponsor the Madison Swapfest and Computer Expo each spring.
Submitted On:2003-12-25

Piconet Hits:3145
Description:This is a Minnesota based net on 3925KHz at 0900 and 1500 daily and Saturday.
Submitted On:2010-01-27

Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA) Hits:4810
Description:The QCWA is an association of hams who are currently licensed and were first licensed more than 25 years ago (need not be continuously licensed).
Submitted On:2003-12-25

Red Cedar Radio Amateurs Hits:2600
Description:The Red Cedar Repeater Association owns a 2 meter repeater that is located near Colfax, WI in northern Dunn county. The operating frequency is 146.01/61Mhz (negative offset) with a 110.9 hz pl tone and remote links in Knapp (146.01/446.875) and Menomonie (146.01/446.850). Coverage area is West Central Wisconsin along the Interstate 94 corridor.The RCRA formerly sponsored the Eau Claire Auction. It is now sponsored by the Eau Claire ARC. They have code practice each Thursday at 7:00PM on the repeater.
Submitted On:2003-12-25

Red River Radio Amateurs Hits:7335
Description:The Red River Radio Amateurs is a full service club serving the Fargo/Morehead area. They sponsor the Fargo Hamfest each year.
Submitted On:2003-12-24

Rochester Amateur Radio Club (RARC) Hits:3222
Description:Full service amateur radio club located in Rochester, Minnesota.
Submitted On:2003-12-23

Saint Cloud Amateur Radio Club Hits:4547
Description:Sponsors of the "Cabin Fever Reliver" and the Summer St. Cloud Hamfest.
Submitted On:2003-12-23

Stillwater Amateur Radio Association (SARA) Hits:57546
Description:Radio club located in Stillwater.
Submitted On:2003-12-23

The Crow River Amateur Radio Club (Hutchinson, MN) Hits:2748
Description:The Crow River Amateur Radio Club Meetings are held on the second Mondays at 7PM at Vineyard United Methodist Church at the corner of South Grade Road and School Road. It's in the southwestern part of Hutchinson. Use the side door go up stairs and it's the first room on right.
Submitted On:2003-10-14

Tri County Repeater Association - 145.470 Holcombe, WI Hits:3393
Description:Tri County Repeater Association - A small club of about 30 members located in Northwest Wisconsin. The 145.470 N9LIE repeater has the largest coverage area in Northwest Wisconsin.
Submitted On:2002-12-28

West Allis Radio Amateur Club Hits:13687
Description:The West Allis Radio Amateur Club is a large club in the Madison/Milwaukee area that sponsors the West Allis Midwinter Hamfest(Swapfest) held each January since 1972. Filling three buildings of the Waukesha County Expo Center, this radio and electronics swapfest provides a place for hams, electronics and computer hobbyists from the area to sell and swap their excess gear and acquire new pieces of equipment.
Submitted On:2003-12-24

Wright County Amateur Radio Society (WCARS) Hits:2619
Description:Weekly net on the Maple Plain repeater (147.000)every Friday at 8:00PM.
Submitted On:2003-12-23

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...ham clubs NOT specifically located in the Twin Cities area.

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