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...which doesn't fall well into the other categories.
Amateur Radio Repeater Data Base Hits:3878
Description:Are you going somewhere OTHER than in the state of Minnesota? Would you like to know where a repeater is for a particular band, city, or town? This link will help you 10-fold.
Submitted On:2006-02-08
Basic Propagation Homepage Hits:7261
Description:The "WYSIWYG" propagation website.
(IE; The "watered-down" version)
kc0vuy Submitted On:2006-02-22
Call Sign Depot Hits:2501
Description:Personalized Ham Radio Call Sign Clothing Submitted On:2007-11-01
CelesTrak WWW Hits:2791
Description:CelesTrak space objects Submitted On:2003-04-05
Detailed Propagation Homepage Hits:4101
Description:If you're into propagation... THIS site will have you entertained for hours.
kc0vuy Submitted On:2006-02-22
I-nternet R-adio L-inking P-roject Hits:3431
Description:I-nternet R-adio L-inking P-roject Submitted On:2003-04-05
KF8ZR packet radio Hits:2355
Description:Get back on the air with packet radio.
This site will instruct you in getting on the air with packet and APRS Submitted On:2004-05-19
LED Museum Hits:2469
Description:LED Museum Submitted On:2003-04-05
N1BUG's Aurora Sentry Hits:2527
Description:N1BUG's Aurora Sentry Submitted On:2003-04-05
Pavek Museum of Broadcasting Hits:2763
Description:Pavek Museum of Broadcasting Submitted On:2003-04-05
ScanFan - Minnesota Radio Monitoring Hits:3069
Description:www.scanfan.com - The largest collection of frequencies and trunked-radio talkgroups for those who enjoying monitoring public safety. In addition to our large up-to-date database of information, ScanFan includes an excelllent message board, survey's on the topic of scanning and the latest hobby-related news. Submitted On:2002-12-26
Topo Zone Hits:2518
Description:Topo Zone Submitted On:2003-04-05
USGS Terra Server Hits:2509
Description:USGS Terra Server. Overhead map like photos of the earth Submitted On:2003-04-05
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...which doesn't fall well into the other categories.
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