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Main > Area Ham Clubs
Just like it says... ham clubs in the area.
Amateur Radio Association of Bloomington (ARAB) Hits:3717
Description:ARAB operates the 147.090 repeater Submitted On:2003-12-23
Anoka County RC Hits:8209821
Description:Anoka County Radio Club Submitted On:2003-01-10
Bloomington Communications Group (BCG) Hits:3070
Description:Operators of the Skywarn EOC for South Hennipin County. Submitted On:2003-12-27
East Central Minnesota Amateur Radio Club Hits:2934
Description:Sponsors of the Rush City Hamfest each year. Also sponsor of the net on 146.640(PL=146.2) Mondays at 8:00PM. Submitted On:2004-01-09
Magic Repeater Page Hits:4876
Description:Magic Repeater Interesting and informative page. Operators of the 145.17 repeater. Submitted On:2003-12-23
Midwest Radio Association (MRA) Hits:3789
Description:The MRA operates the 53.55, 145.370. and 444.975 repeaters. Submitted On:2003-12-23
Minnesota 220 MHz ARC Hits:2769
Description:Not really a club, but an interesting web page giving information on 220 MHz operations in the twin cities. Somewhat outdated. Submitted On:2004-04-25
Minnesota DX Club Hits:2861
Description:A club interested in SWL DX. Lots of good information on Loop Antennas! Submitted On:2004-04-23
Minnesota QRP Society Hits:2838
Description:Group of builders & QRP fans Submitted On:2003-12-23
Minnesota Wireless Association Hits:4565
Description:Group of hams interested in contesting. Submitted On:2003-12-23
Northern Lights Radio Society Hits:68235
Description:The Northern Lights Radio Society is an organization of Upper Midwest amateur radio operators who are active in weak signal (SSB/CW) work on the VHF, UHF, and Microwave bands. The majority of our members are located in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota, but we also have members in South Dakota, Iowa and western Wisconsin. Submitted On:2003-03-11
Robbinsdale Amateur Radio Club (RARC) Hits:4304
Description:Operators of the KØLTC repeater, 147.000, and sponsors of Midwinter Madness. Submitted On:2005-12-02
Saint Paul Radio Club (SPRC) Hits:4414
Description:Sponsors of the annual SPRC auction, numerous ham radio classes, and VE exams. Submitted On:2004-02-03
Southeast Metro Amateur Radio Club Hits:3652
Description:This club provides VE testing out of the Cottage Grove Fire Station. Submitted On:2003-12-23
Southwest Metro Amateur Radio Transmitting Society Hits:3805
Description:Owners and operators of the 147.165+ (WB0RMK) repeater located in Carver, Minnesota. Submitted On:2002-12-26
Twin Cities DX Association Hits:5611
Description:Amateurs interested in DX. Submitted On:2003-12-23
Twin Cities FM Club (TCFMC) Hits:5200
Description:The TCFMC operates the 146.76, 444.100, and 444.125 repeaters and is the sponsor of Hamfest Minnesota. Submitted On:2003-12-23
TwinsLAN Digital Amateur Radio Club Hits:4548
Description:The only club in the metro area that specializes in packet radio and other digital modes. See our web page for info about club meetings, scheduled events and VHF/UHF packet activity.
Don't forget the Tailgate Swapfest the first Saturday of June! Rain or shine! Confirm the details on our web page. Submitted On:2003-03-09
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Main > Area Ham Clubs
Just like it says... ham clubs in the area.
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