TCRC -- Twin Cities Repeater Club
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Welcome to

147.210 is the primary
repeater for South Metro


What Is the TCRC?
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The Twin Cities Repeater Club (TCRC) is a charitable public service organization, incorporated as a non-profit Minnesota corporation, that owns and operates four VHF and UHF repeaters in the Minneapolis/Saint Paul metropolitan area. These repeaters operate on output frequencies of 53.37 MHz, 147.21 MHz, 224.54 MHz, and 444.3 MHz.

This makes the TCRC the only club in the metro area that operates four repeaters on four bands! All TCRC repeaters are open to all appropriately licensed amateur radio operators.
The Twin Cities Repeater Club

Welcome to the Twin Cities Repeater Club! To new and old members alike, we are glad to have you aboard and wish to say a sincere thank you for continued support of your club!

What is the TCRC? It�s a repeater club that owns and operates the 147.21 two-meter repeater in Burnsville. But there is more... much more! The club also operates three other repeaters in Burnsville on 6 meters, 1.5-meters and 70-centimeters. We are a group of friends with common interests in public service, amateur radio, computers, and taking on projects connected with these interests. Some of these projects might not be undertaken individually due to the cost, time required, complexity or the need for expert assistance.

While all this sounds quite serious, it is great fun! We enjoy projects that benefit all of our members. You are urged to participate in the many club activities. Get involved and make the most of your opportunity! We meet every Saturday morning at 7:00 AM or so for an informal club breakfast at Perkins, CR50 and I35 in Lakeville. It�s open to all, and is a good opportunity to meet the gang you talk to on the repeaters. Business Meetings are held each quarter, usually at the Burnsville City Hall. Club members, led by the club officers, conduct club business in an open meeting. You are urged to attend and participate in these meetings.

The club conducts a weekly information net every Tuesday night on the 147.21 MHz repeater beginning at 7:00 PM and lasting for approximately one hour. Be sure to tune in and hear the latest club news!

Another great source of club news and information is the TCRC web page at The web page contains a calendar of events, virtual tour of the repeaters, and many other interesting items.

The club has four officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Board of Directors consists of up to nine members, the current officers plus the officers from the previous year and the Trustee of the repeaters. We also have several committees: the Technical Committee, a Field Day Committee, a Membership Committee, a Newsletter Editor and a dedicated Webmaster who takes care of the TCRC web page.

We publish a quarterly newsletter called "The Repeater." It is mailed to all TCRC members and to other amateurs and clubs who are interested in the TCRC. Extra copies of the newsletter are available at all of the metro area hamfests. The newsletter contains current articles about our club activities, the club repeaters, humor articles, and other items of interest to the members.

The Twin Cities Repeater Club is an Official ARRL Affiliated Society. You may join or renew your membership in the American Radio Relay League right through the club. To help out its member clubs, the ARRL returns a couple of dollars to the club for handling ARRL renewal dues and new memberships. Just include your ARRL dues with your TCRC membership check each year. That way, you keep current in both organizations, help Amateur Radio, receive QST magazine monthly, and the club benefits financially as well!

The TCRC participates in several hamfests each year including Midwinter Madness and Hamfest Minnesota. We distribute newsletters, visor cards, and answer questions about club activities and the repeaters.

We wish to express our thanks to the City of Burnsville, the Burnsville Public Works Department, and the Burnsville Public Safety Department, for the help and assistance they have given us over the years. Without them we wouldn�t have the great site for our repeaters or the connection to the 911 central dispatch!

Thanks also to all the TCRC members who continue to support your club through thier annual $25.00 membership contribution.

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