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147.210 is the primary
repeater for South Metro


444.3 Repeater Details
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This system is a Yaesu System Fusion FM and C4FM Digital multiple function communications system. Access it using your existing FM UHF equipment. If you have an Yaesu C4FM digital capable gear the repeater will automatically detect and repeat your digital signal.
Icom RP-3010  70Cm. Repeater
Yaesu DR-1X

The duplexer is a set of Wacom cavities. Out of the duplexers we get about 20 watts. This should give us around 15 watts at the antenna. Switching to these cavities has improved our receive capabilities as well The receive/transmit antenna is a Phelps Dodge antenna equivalent to a CellWave Station Master. The feed line is 90 feet of 1 5/8 Cablewave hardline.

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