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147.210 is the primary
repeater for South Metro


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Q: How does the voter on the 147.21 work?
A: At the main transmit site, there are are several receivers that listen to a set of UHF link frequencies, in addition to the receiver for the 147.21's normal input frequency of 147.81 MHz. Remote sites listen on 147.81 MHz and transmit what they hear back to the main site on a UHF link frequency. The voter decides which receiver is receiving the best signal, using an approximation of the signal to noise ratio. For the most part, the quietest signal (signal with the least amount of high-frequency white noise) will be voted, and have its signal applied to the 147.21 MHz transmitter. It is important that volume levels be set correctly on each receiver's input to the voter box, otherwise it may vote incorrectly. Also, if a user were to blow into their microphone, or otherwise make a lot of high-frequency noise (like the harsh sibilant sound of 'SSS' or 'SH'), it may confuse the voter into thinking it is hearing noise, and the voter will switch around trying to find a "less noisy" channel. The same may be true from an over-driven user signal. If the repeater is set to site identifier courtesy beeps, you can tell what site you were voted into. The Morse Code letter (or letter pair) should correspond with what site you were last voted into (N, S, E, W, or NE for North, South, East, West, or Northeast, respectively). Check your TCRC Visor Card for more information about changing the courtesy beeps.

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