TCRC Annual Picnic, Swapmeet, and Operating Event Contributed by n0bak on: Wednesday 12 September @ 14:24:47 |
Come one, come all to the Ninth Annual Twin Cities Repeater Club Picnic Sunday, September 15, 11 am to 3 pm at Cliff Fen Park 120 Cliff Rd E, Burnsville, MN. Food will be served from 11:30 am until 1 pm.
Bring gear to sell
Rain or shine
Get on the air, operate Field Day style.
** Brats, hot dogs, all the fixings, salads, chips, cookies and pop will be served
**Bring your rig and antenna
**Bring a lawn chair
**Bring something to sell
**Donate to offset the cost of food
**Bring friends and family
Map the event https://goo.gl/maps/f3JUw1PdKMbLv5e26
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