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Clubs or sites dedicated to Emergency Services in the Minnesota Area
Emergency Minnesota 145.67 MHz Wide Area Amateur Packet Radio Hits:2560
Description:A very (un)informative web page about the Wide Area Amateur Packet Radio network for Emergency Services. The TCRC Board was asked to contribute funds to this project. Submitted On:2003-01-14
Metro Skywarn Hits:6138
Description:So you want to spot tornados? Here's your page. Submitted On:2003-01-26
National Skywarn Homepage Hits:2686
Description:Home of the national Skywarn page. Lots of information about Skywarn, and links to the local skywarn pages such as Metro Skywarn. Submitted On:2003-02-09
Ramsey County Emergency Services Hits:4196
Description:RCES is the volunteer RACES group affilliated with Ramsey County Emergency Management. RCES operates on amateur and commercial frequencies using ham and non-ham volunteers. RCES operates amateur repeaters on 146.925- MHz (107.2 tone), 444.075+ MHz (91.5 tone), and a portable repeater on 442.700+ MHz in addition to our commercial frequencies.
RCES is one of the original SKYWARN EOCs in the metro area and is active in SKYWARN training and severe weather events every year. RCES members are required to take SKYWARN training and are active as spotters every time severe weather enters Ramsey County. Submitted On:2003-03-09
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Main > Emergency Services
Clubs or sites dedicated to Emergency Services in the Minnesota Area
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